Friday 3 August 2012

Blogging With Wordpress Part 2

Blogging with wordpress Part 2 is included the most effective and useful tips for wordpress beginner.
Lets start the remaining tutorial once again.
Optimizing Permalinks
In my opinion optimizing permalinks is the first step after finishing installing WordPress. By default,  and many bloggers are not aware of the problem, this is how WordPress defines your URLs: »

wordpress beginner otimizing permalinks Blogging with wordpress Part 2
Optimizing Permalink WordPress
The search engines are able to index such URLs. However,
from an SEO point of view, this URL is meaningless. Not
having relevant keywords in the URL lowers your chances of
ranking well in the SERPs (search engine positioning results)
for a specific search query.
To customize the Permalinks with keywords, you go to
your Dashboard > Settings > Permalinks and select Date and
name based or type into the custom box the following code
(to take out the date from the URL): /%postname%/

seo friendly wordpress links Blogging with wordpress Part 2
to define a permalink might cause some problems. Sometimes this command makes it impossible for the blogger to access the wpadmin folder or the stylesheets.
Avoid numeric URLs like
» at all costs.
If the title of your post (blog entry) is too long, you might
have a problem. There are special situations when the search engines will penalize a blog entry for such a practice and send it to the supplemental results. To avoid this situation you could write a different post slug when you write your entry.
Just go to Dashboard > Write > Post and write your post’s title as you usually do. The permalink will appear automatically under your title. Click Edit to shorten the URL:

permalinks define wordpress Blogging with wordpress Part 2
This  will  allow  you  to  have  a  long  title  for  your  entry  and  a
Shorter URL:
Or  for  blogs  using  a  shorter  domain  name  and  the  /%postname%/
permalink structure:

wordpress seo links1 Blogging with wordpress Part 2
seo optimize link wordpress
The technique has more advantages:
  • It  avoids  the  spamdexing  penalty  since  you  don’t  repeat  theexact same keywords in both the page title and the URL.
  • It  provides  the  search  engines  with  relevant  information  ofwhat your post is all about.
  • It reduces the risk of URL wrapping when sent in email. ·  Short URLs are easier to write down and remember.
So keep your URLs short and if possible, static. No query strings
like  /?p=123 and no other changes. However, if your blog is quite
old,  has  many  links  and  has  a  good  Google  PageRank (PR),  any
change   in   your   URL   structure   might   cause   the   loss   of   PR, rankings, links and valuable traffic.
Sometimes  WordPress  will  give  an  error  message  when  you  try  to change your permalink structure:
You should update your  .htaccess now.
If   your .htaccess   file   were   writable,   we   could   do   this
automatically,  but  it  isn’t  so  these  are  the  mod_rewrite  rules you should have in your  .htaccess file.
WordPress will give you the code in the text field below:
To avoid dupliacate issue specially i have notices with wordpress blog, use the given code in your robot.txt which I have modified and it works greatly.
User-agent:  *
# disallow all files in these directories
Disallow: /cgi-bin/
Disallow: /wp-admin/
Disallow: /wp-includes/
Disallow: /wp-content/
Disallow: /go/
Disallow: /archives/
disallow: /*?*
Disallow: /wp-*
Disallow: /author
Disallow: /comments/feed/
Disallow: /page/
Disallow: /trackback/
Disallow: /wp-/
Disallow: /blog-/
Disallow: /?s=
Disallow: /cdn-/
Disallow: /xmlrpc.php
Disallow: /comment/reply/
Disallow: /comment/
Disallow: /useronline/
Disallow: /redirect.php*
Disallow: /wp-content/themes
Disallow: /category/
Disallow: /tag/
Disallow: /author/
Disallow: /wp-
Disallow: /search
Disallow: /feed
Disallow: /comments/feed
Disallow: /feed/$
Disallow: /*/feed/$
Disallow: /*/feed/rss/$
Disallow: /*/trackback/$
Disallow: /*/*/feed/$
Disallow: /*/*/feed/rss/$
Disallow: /*/*/trackback/$
Disallow: /*/*/*/feed/$
Disallow: /*/*/*/feed/rss/$
Disallow: /*/*/*/trackback/$

User-agent: Mediapartners-Google*
Allow: /
User-agent: Googlebot-Image
Allow: /wp-content/uploads/
User-agent: Adsbot-Google
Allow: /
User-agent: Googlebot-Mobile
Allow: /
Create  an  empty  text  document,  paste  the  code  and  rename  the
document  .htaccess. Then upload the new document in the  WordPress root folder of your blog. If you have any problem in creating robot.txt file then you can download wordpress kb plugin and paste your code in this plugin after you upload the plugin and activate.
Basic SEO Techniques Made Easy
Just  as  it  appears  at  the  very  top  of  your  browser,  on-site  SEO starts  with  the  page  title.  This  is  not  a headline,  or  the visible  title  of  an  article,  but  the  title  displayed  by  the browser on the upper left corner of your screen.
The <title> tag is contained in the <head> section of html page.  It  is  a  stand-alone  element  and  not  really  a  meta  tag,  but it is the most important step you need to take in optimizing your website, whether it’s a blog or static Web page.
This  tag  is  what  Google  and  the  other  search  engines  index  in their results to link to your website.
It  is  the ―first  impression  and  your  only  chance  to  make  the
Google user click on the result pointing to your website. This is
a mirror of the quality you offer on your website.
By  default  WordPress  shows  a  page  title  as  Post  Title:  Name  of the blog.

seo techniques Blogging with wordpress Part 2
Seo techniques for wordpress beginner
There  is  one  more  thing  you  should  know:  page  titles  should  not be  identical  with  the  title  of  your  blog  entry. This  is  a  little SEO trick that will help you get your pages indexed in the search engines  with  titles  that  are  more appealing  than  the  actual titles of the specific blog entries they refer to.
Here are some guidelines to write good page titles:
·  Do not stuff your page title with keywords.
  • Do  not  write  page  titles  that  are  longer  than  67  characters(including  spaces).  It’s  OK  if  you  do,  but  it  is  pointless.
    67  is the maximum number of characters Google will index              and
    if your page title is longer it will appear truncated in the
    search   results.   Yahoo!   is   more   tolerant (about 76
characters)  so  if  you  optimize  your  site  for  Yahoo!  feel free to go over the  67 limit.
  • Write  appealing  page  titles  that  summarize  the  content  ofthe page.
  • Use  simple  language  and  try  to  give  a  logical  meaning  towhat  you  write:  a  natural  flow  of  the  language,  even  when
    you use keywords.
It  sounds  fairly  difficult  to  make  WordPress  display  the  titles
you  want,  doesn’t  it?  Don’t  worry —  it  is  not  difficult.  As  I
said  at  the  beginning  of  the  eBook,  there  is  a  plugin  for  every need,  and  this  is  the  beauty  of  working  with WordPress.  So  hurry up and download the All in One SEO Pack Plugin.
Unzip and upload into your  /wp-content/plugins/ folder, where, as
a matter of fact, you should upload all your plugins from now on.
Next,  go  to  your  WordPress  Dashboard  >  Plugins  and  activate  the All  in  One  SEO  Pack.  To  configure  your plugin,  go  to  Dashboard  >
Settings  > All in One SEO and follow the next simple steps:
After installing and activation you will need you use All in one SEO plugin effectively.
 Google Sitemaps
For   this   task   you’ll   need   a   Google   Sitemap   Generator   for
WordPress and one able to create compliant sitemaps in the format
supported by Google, Yahoo and MSN.
This is the plugin I use.
Sitemaps   are   particularly   useful   because   they   give valuable information  to  the  search  engine  spiders  on how  often  to scan your  site,  which  pages  are  more  important,  which  have  a  lower  priority and so on.
The  advantage  of  using  Sitemaps  is  that  you     are  able  to  view  reports on crawl results and statistics. You’ll also see the most used search queries to find your site and the search queries that get the most clicks.
To submit your Sitemap to Google go to Google Sitemaps, create an
account,  and  follow  all  the  easy  steps  described  by  Google  to
identify  yourself  as  the  owner  of  the  site  and  to  validate  your
submission. You’ll need to go through a similar process to submit
your sitemap to Yahoo!  (you need a Yahoo! email account), but MSN
is simpler: just submit your sitemap URL here.

Optimizing Images

The  search  engines  take  into  consideration  the  entire  content  of
a  Web  page.  That’s  why  the  image  files  you  display  on  a  Web  page
should be related    to the topic.
The  search  engines  want  you  to
create   harmonious   content   and
Create  harmony  between
text  and  images  to  boost
your  SEO  score.
not  a  soup  of  mismatches.  But
because they read only text, the
search engines need your help to
understand    images    and    other
collateral files and that’s the advantage you have over the bots.
You  have  to  apply  the  most  basic  SEO  principles  to  help  the  bots understand  the  content  of  the  image  and sound  files.  You  need  to  target keywords and write, yep, you guessed it, text.

Use  keywords  to  name  the  image  files.  For  example  an  image  file
called cloudy-sky.jpg will usually rank higher than cloudysky.jpg
or  cloudy_sky.jpg.  That’s  because  cloudy-sky  has  a  more  logical
spelling  (for both the search bots and the people) than cloudysky
or  cloudy_sky.  There  are  SEO  voices  that  contend  that  Google
doesn’t  parse  keywords  in  URLs  when  they  are  run  together,  but  I
wouldn’t  count  on  this  as  a  general  rule.  There  are  enough

The image file name is not the only factor to making images rank. The search engines look at the content around the images (Videos or Audios) to judge their content. They take most of the information they need from that text. It is important to have the content and the images interrelated.
Although they don’t ignore your HTML image optimization work, the search engines place more weight on the content around the images than the content on the images themselves.

This is the reason why you should write a snippet that summarizes the content of the image, in the immediate vicinity of the image. This   is   also   why   you   shouldn’t   stuff   your   ALT   and   title
attributes with keywords.
A correctly optimized image from an HTML point of view would be:
<img src=’×130.jpg’ alt=” title=’Nutrición saludable’ />
…where  you  replace  width  and  height  with  the  actual  sizes  of  the picture you want to display on your website.

Also,  ―keyword  focused‖  doesn’t  mean  that  if  you  have  a  picture
of  a  strawberry  you  write ―SEO  chart.  Describe  the  picture.
Write  ―fresh  strawberry‖  or,  if  you  insist  on  including  ―SEO,
find  a  way  out  like:  ―fresh  strawberry  adds  beauty  to  SEO
WordPress   is   a   great   tool   for   optimizing   images.   It   has
everything  you  need  to  insert    the  image  source  code  of  an  image
to  have  it  properly  optimized  for  the  search  by  default.  All  you
have  to  do  is  to  save  your  images  with  proper  names  and  to  fill
in  all  the  fields (some  will  be  filled  in  automatically  by
WordPress, including Dimensions and Class):
  •    use keywords in the image file names
  •    do not unite the keywords but separate them with dashes, not underscores
  •    include keywords in the image ALT attributes
  •    place the image in the immediate vicinity of keyword-related  content
  •      keep  the  number  of  unnecessary  images  per  page  as  low  as  possible (unless  you  are  displaying  a  photo  gallery  or product search results)
Each   time   you   publish   new   content   on   your   blog,   WordPress
notifies  ping  servers  about  the  updates,  if  they  are  defined.  To
define  these  servers,  go  again  in  your  Dashboard,  click  on
Options then Writing.
Important Linking Tips
When   you   start   your   linking campaigns,            avoid           spamdexing
techniques  like  Fave  trains  or  other   strategies   that   create  unnatural linking to your site.
For proper, long-term results, manage your linking campaigns at a slow pace.
Once  a  month  you  could  get  a  large  number  of  links  to  the  same
post,   assuming   that   your   post   is   really   a   resource.   It’s
important that each webmaster links to your entry in his/her way,
to  ensure ―natural‖  linking.  The  moment  you  become  a ―guru,‖
fast-paced linking will be no problem.
For young sites… handle with care.
The  number  of  links  doesn’t  really  matter.  The  quality  of  the site linking back to you is more important.
Then you have to ask yourself  — how is that site linking back? Is it a blogroll link? This is useful if it brings traffic.
Is it a link in a random list  (like those fave trains)? This will not  bring  much  value  for  your  Google  score (PageRank).  It
 will, however   increase   your   Technorati   scores   and   ranks.   With
Technorati  we  don’t  speak about  SEO,  but  about  SMO  (social
media optimization).
Is   it   a   contextual   link   with   a   good,   keyword   targeted,
alternative  text?  You  scored!  That’s  what  you  need  to  rank  high
in  the  SERPs  (search  engine  positioning  results).  Take  a  look  at
the list below to learn how to determine the value of a link.
1. Contextual  links  carry  more  weight  than  any  other  links
because   the   search   engines   identify   them   as ―link
recommendations.‖ Such links are  enclosed within the content
the  website  pointed  to  are  more  valuable  than  ―click  here
2. Although  a  link  might  be  on  a  PR (PageRank  )  page,  this
doesn’t  mean  that  the  value  of  the  link  that  page  gives  to
another site is low. On the contrary: content related to the
page the link points to will prove its SEO value in time.
3. Links  with  good  anchor  text  on  a ―related  links  page  are
really valuable when you manage to be at the top of the list (better  exposure),  you  have  a  keyword  rich  and catchy  title (or  anchor  text)  and  there  are  not  more  than  50  other  links on the same page.
4. Directory  listings  are  good  when  they  are  in  the  right
category  and  they  bring  you  targeted  traffic.  So  you  should
only pay for listings in popular  (authority) directories. If
you have the chance to submit your site to free directories,
do  take  advantage  of  the  opportunity  and  vary  the  anchor
text  (seen  by  the  SE  as  micro  content)  as  often  as  possible
to generate unique links.
5. Stay  away  from  porn,  gambling  and  booze  sites,  as  well  as
from   link   farms   and   other   bad   neighbors.   Do   not   use
automated programs like SEO Elite to exchange links. This is
a spamdexing technique, even worse than the Fave trains.
6. There  is  now  a  new  linking  trend:  three-way  linking.  Site  A
requests  a  link  from  site  B  and  provides  in  exchange  a  link
on  site  C.  Basically:  B  links  to  A  and  C  links  to  B,
creating  a  chain  of ―one-way‖  links  instead  of  reciprocal
links.  Nothing  wrong  with  the  principle,  except  that  the
technique   is   meant   to   fool   the   search   engines   and   to
artificially  inflate  rankings  for  site  A,  because  site  C  is
generally a link farm or a low quality site that has nothing
to   lose   anyway.   So   don’t   fall   for   such   link   exchange
7. Paid  links  are  tricky.  Buying  links  or  banner  space  on
popular  websites  is  pure  advertising  and  advertising  is
good. Are the search engines going to penalize your site for
buying  links?  It  depends.  If  your  site’s  ranking  count
depends  solely  on  link  popularity  and  for  this  purpose  you
use  only  paid  linking  strategies,  your  rankings  might  (as  a matter  of  fact  will                               )  drop,  while  you  will  still  have  the
traffic from the sites on which you advertise. There are too many   websites   that   use   the   link-buying  strategies   to artificially  inflate  link  popularity.  The  search
engines already   know   that   and,   while   they  do   not   technically
penalize the webmasters for advertising their websites, they don’t give them any link popularity.
8. Dive  into     social  media  for  better  links:  target  bloggers
and  social  bookmarkers  to  comment  on  your  products  and
services  by  building  link  bait  strategies.  A  good  article
will  attract  attention  and  motivate  people  to  link  to (or
bookmark)   that   page.   You’ll   probably   find   your   article mentioned   in   forums,   blogs,   discussion  groups,   social bookmarking sites and so on.

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