Thursday 1 March 2012

Stop making these 10 SEO mistakes!!!

So it’s still fresh into the New Year and you want more organic traffic now! Not yesterday, not next week and certainly not in three months. You have been reading for weeks on how best to implement SEO into your strategy so that you can spend less on paid advertising. It all seems so easy and clear in mind! You just can’t wait to get started!

Mastering your SEO strategy with Internal Links

SEO to people means many things...from keyword strategy to proper title tags and meta descriptions to building heaps of quality backlinks...but have you ever considered the internal links of your website?

To start with an easy mental image and analogy, think of internal links of your website like the veins in your body. Their role and function are equally as important to the health of your website as the veins are to your body.

Imagine your page as a remote island

Step back for a minute and imagine each page of your website as an island in the middle of a lonely ocean. Each page then has three elements:

It's all about the title…The YouTube title that is…

You’ve created the most awesome video the world has ever seen: the best visual effects, the most hilarious dialogue and the hottest thing since…but wait, nobody is viewing it because nobody is finding it.

Have you considered the title of your video? Just like keyword optimization for a website, you need to optimize your YouTube title.  In order to optimize the title, you should start with a tool such as Google Adwords keyword tool to find which words are best for your title. (

5 Reasons for Fresh Content

Have you ever thought about the Internet as a living and breathing entity with websites being the cells? Think about this: without websites that provide fresh new content, the Internet would slowly wither and die. Search engines are simply keeping the Internet pulse going by encouraging you to provide fresh new content and they reward you accordingly with an increase in rankings.
This post covers 5 reasons it is important to keep your website fresh, up-to-date and lively.